外贸培训实战专业大咖讲师:刘希洪老师 -j9九游会官网


刘希洪先生,天津大学管理学院等多所国内高校客座讲师,香港理工大学国际航运及物流管理理学硕士,ocean-star logistics 总经理,西安世商管理咨询有限公司总经理。他还是联合国itc采购与供应链管理国际资格认证讲师,中国物流与采购联合会及商务部培训中心特聘讲师,英国国际专业管理公会(ipma)职业认证资深培训师,国家注册咨询师。曾任职中外运、机械进出口总公司、天津港、天狮等多家中外企业高管,十几年来从事外贸、报关、物流的工作,使刘老师业务精通、经验丰富。擅长国际贸易、谈判、海关事务、国际运输、物流实务。目前担任商务部培训中心、劳动部培训中心、中国交通运输协会高级培训师。长期的培训与咨询工作,为刘老师积累了各种行业的进出口实务操作经验。培训风格寓教于乐、理论与实践相结合、注重培训效果的达成,使学员能够学以致用,所学知识能够较快转换成生产力,深受学员和企业的好评。


mr. liu xihong
 guest lecturer of school of management , tianjin university.
 master of science , the hong kong polytechnic university.
 general manager of ocean-star logistics co.,ltd.
 certified professional trainer of ipma ( the international professional managers association,u.k.)
 certified trainer of purchasing and supply chain management (international trade centre ,unctad)
 certified management consultant (cmc)
 senior lecturer of training centre, ministry of commerce.
 expert trainer of china federation of logistics & purchasing.
 expert trainer of china communications and transportation association
 senior lecturer of training centre,ministry of human resources & social security.
mr.liu is a guest lecturer of several universities , specialized in international trade practice and logistics . have worked in many chinese and foreign enterprises, as a senior executives, more than a decade to engage in foreign trade, customs affairs, logistics industry,so mr.liu proficient and experienced. long-term training and consulting, mr. liu has accumulated a variety of import and export industry practice experience.
